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Print the list below and circle the things that appeal to you. Then determine how many things you circled from each category and which category/type you chose the most from.

TYPE CODE ANSWER KEY: TYPE 1 (R) REALISTIC, TYPE 2 (I)INVESTIGATIVE, TYPE 3 (A) ARTISTIC, TYPE 4 (S) SOCIAL, TYPE 5 (E) ENTERPRISING, TYPE 6 (C) CONVENTIONAL Once you've determined how many choices you had from each category above you can now determine what your 3-letter Holland code is. Whichever Type you chose the most responses from that is the first letter of your code, and the next highest amount of choices you made from another type is the second letter of your code, then the third highest amount of choices from another type is the third letter of your unique Holland code! For example, I scored highest in Social (Type 4), Artistic (Type 3), and Enterprising (Type 5) So my Holland Code = (SAE) Some of the jobs associated with each type are as follows: (R)-Mechanic, construction worker, laboratory technician / (I)-Biologist, Psychiatrist, Engineer / (A)- Actor, Producer, Stage designer / (S)-Teacher, Nurse, Social Worker / (E)-Hotel Manager, Sales Representative, Sports Promoter / (c)-Secretary, Bookkeeper, Computer progammer
