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Beginning Your Career Exploration Process

Please answer the following questions:

Careerassist links

The Bureau of Labor Statistics
Know Your Personality Type, or Holland Code
Holland's Code Occupation Database

Now that you have completed the Exploring Your Interests Inventory and answered the four questions above it is time for you to begin writing! You have the option of writing a 5-7 page paper or making a powerpoint presentation that you will share with the class. Here's what needs to be included in the assignment: You are to write an essay about a specific career field or area you are interested in (ex: Education) or a specific job/role (ex: Special Education Teacher). You have the freedom to choose a broad career area or one specific career, however you must choose a career that applies to your Holland Code. Then go to the Bureau of Labor Statistics website and find information about: Nature of the Work, Training, Other Qualifications and Advancement in job/field, Employment Statistics, Job Outlook, Projections, Earnings, Wages, and Related Occupations. This information is included on's website which can be found under Careerassist links.